- Attestation of “Certificate of Origin”, Commercial & Industrial Certificates and Invoice of Origin Agreements, contracts, and other relevant documents.
- Seminars and Workshops on matters relating to trade and industry.
- Participation in Trade Fairs and Exhibitions.
- Sponsoring of delegation of India businessmen to visit foreign countriesand vice versa.
- Identification of products for export to foreign countries.
- Setting up committees and task forces to work on project involving various aspects of trade industry and economic relations.
- Communicate with the Chamber of Commerce and other mercantile bodies in the countries and throughout the world for Promotion of Membership interest.
- Work very closely with the Indian Mission in the world and Embassies and Consulates in India.
- Provision for Statistics, Information Reports and Researches on internaland external trade and other as required by the member.
- Organising Visit Visas for most of the countries and hotel discount facilities for all members at tour.
- Assisting in opening the Representative Office in India inclusive of , Licensing and other infrastructure, services and guidelines.
- To provide assistance and Guidance for the Letter of Credit discrepancy, if any.